Returns |
You can return most new and unopened items within 15 days of delivery for a full
refund.* Items must be returned in unused condition and contain all original materials
included with the shipment. All returned items will be inspected and awarded a partial
refund if opened. No refunds for used merchandise. If the return is a result of
an error, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and shipping charges.
Any items received after 15 days of delivery will be subject to a 40% restocking
*You can expect to receive your refund within four weeks of shipping your package
back to us. In many cases you will receive a refund sooner, but we estimate four
weeks because of the time required for return shipping (up to 14 days), product
inspection (up to 5 days), and processing from your bank or credit card company
(up to 5 days). We will notify you via email with the details of your refund, and
issue your refund in the form of payment used to make your purchase.
Please contact
us immediately for any returns. In some cases returns may need to be sent back to
the manufacturer or a pre- determined warehouse address. You will need to get a
shipping address from us for each return.
Any item that has been special ordered specifically for you and is being shipped
directly from the factory is considered a custom item. Any items that fall within
this category are not returnable.
Please contact us immediately for any returns via email. You will be given complete
instructions to follow depending upon the item and the size. All items must be returned
in new or unused condition and in original packing. |
If you refuse your delivery without inspection, miss your delivery appointment or
return a non-defective or undamaged product, you will incur original shipping charges
and delivery charges along with actual return shipping fees. Return fees typically
range from $150.00 to $695.00, but may be more for larger items. All items returned
are inspected immediately upon arrival. Items not in their original, new, unopened
condition may qualify for a partial refund of the product’s price. We reserve the
right to deduct the original shipping and delivery charge and actual shipping fees
from your refund.
We grant refunds of up to 60% of the item’s value for most items returned after
15 days. We will also deduct the original shipping and delivery charges from your
If we send you a replacement item, we must receive the original item in
our warehouse specified within 15 days from the date you initiated the return or
you account will be charged full price for the replacement item.
We hope every product you receive arrives with all the parts necessary to fully
assemble your product. Should you discover that a part is missing, please contact
us immediately. We will ship out the missing parts as soon a possible. |